Guest Posting on Shame and Vulnerability...
Today I'm guest posting on Sarah McCarten's blog on shame and vulnerability. When she asked for guest posts, I could think of no other subject that's impacted my life more, than learning to be vulnerable. What I didn't realize was how hard it would be to put to paper in the form of a list of 30 things. I even missed my deadline! But Sarah was gracious, and let me guest post anyway, and I'm so thankful she did. And....notice in my bio I finally owned that I was "a writer." In the interest of vulnerability, ya'll-- that was a huge step! So without further adieu...
About a year ago my husband and I were in the midst of the hardest season we’d ever experienced, and I found myself living in another’s home in a desperate attempt to salvage what little of “me” I had left. It was during that time that I made a commitment to myself, and to God, to just focus on me for a little while. That was the beginning of my journey through the valleys of shame and into a life lived vulnerably. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it, and my life is fuller and more meaningful because I’ve learned to live this way. It changed my marriage, my friendships, even my job! Below are 30 things I’ve learned on this journey—and may it be a roadmap to yours!
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