A Choice...

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

~Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Life lately has been full of situations in which I feel powerless. Powerless to change things, things I wish with my whole heart were different. Death, illness, stress, accusations, pain, heartache, loneliness, grief--the flood feels at times overwhelming--impossible even.

Many of you may be facing similar circumstances. The thin places, places where the storm threatens to drown you, and yet we have a simple choice. Trust God and sleep through it or rail against it. Railing can be tiring and in the end, we're no farther ahead.

Through these times of trial and testing, a constant truth has emerged.

I cannot change others, but I can change the way I react.

I cannot change a circumstance, but I can change my attitude and my response.

And I can do all this through a grace-filled God who strengthens me in my weakness.

This is freedom. This means that even if your situation stays constant for awhile, even if that family member continues to be unchanged (and drives you crazy), even if your life isn't panning out the way you planned it; that promotion doesn't come or you what you think your dream job is slips right through your fingers, you can still choose life.

You can choose to turn to God and give it to him, or you can choose to continue on in worry and anxiety. You can choose to set healthy biblical boundaries, or to continue sitting in miserable relationships. You can choose to trust that He is capable of giving you every good thing, or lament in what you are missing.

The choice is always ours.

Those thin places, those places where we feel stretched beyond what we can handle are simply reminders that we've been given a choice; life or death.

Today I have a choice. I choose to be responsible for only what I can--myself. I choose to rely on a God that provides for my every need. I choose to sleep through the storm in the peaceful arms of Christ who calms it.

What will you choose? What false responsibility have you been carrying? What burdens are you ready to lay down?

Deuteronomy 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.


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