Idol Worship

1 Corinthians 10: 14Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. The trickiest part of idol worship to me, is that anything and anyone can be an idol. Idol worship is almost always a heart issue. Let's put it in terms of relationship, specifically marriage. God meant marriage to reflect His nature toward us. Imagine your husband and his heart. If he continually put things above you, if you became his last priority, if you realized that he was not really in love with you because you are you but simply because you made his life easier...what would you feel like? You'd feel used, sad, disappointed, unloved, angry, and jealous. This is how God feels when we put things above Him, when we love God not so much because He is who He is, but because he can make our lives easier. When we treat Him as a great self help solution instead of the love of your life. Even church itself can become an idol. We go to classes, we volunteer, we keep ourselves busy. Some of us are so starved for freedom and healing that we let the ideas of those things become idols to us. We attend class after class, session after session in hopes of some great breakthrough and yet we are frustrated when we experience no change at all. All the classes in all the world, all the hours of therapy and all the therapists, all the Pastors in the world cannot do for you what God can. God changes people. Instead of thirsting after ideas, we need to thirst after God. It's like the difference between being in love...and being in love with the idea of love. When you thirst after God, that is when real change happens. When you are so desperate to feel God, to know Him, that's when you'll see a breakthrough. I went to Kairos and came out changed because I met God there. All the testimonies, classes, and worship would have been for naught if God had not been in the midst of it. James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Luke 11:10 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Go and seek Him today. Go somewhere alone. Thirst for Him. Find Him. He is the only one who can free us, who can heal us, who can love us. He is the Love of your life and mine.


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